The Greatest Tianguis of All Time Underway in Mexico City

The Secretary of Tourism of the Government of Mexico, Miguel Torruco Marqués, accompanied by the Head of Government of Mexico City, Claudia Sheinbaum Pardo, opened the 47th edition of the most important tourism fair in Latin America, the Tianguis Turístico México.
The head of the Ministry of Tourism (Sectur), accompanied by governors, state Tourism Secretaries, presidents of Chambers and Associations of the tourism sector and authorities of the three levels of government, assured that the Tianguis Turístico México 2023, Mexico City, will be remembered forever, and will mark a milestone in the history of national tourism, ratifying our country as a world tourism power and a destination full of success and exponential growth.
"Welcome all of you to the heart of the great Tenochtitlán, a mystical and ancestral place, which has been characterized as the economic, political and social center of our great nation, Mexico City, where all the voices of various ideological tendencies converge. ”, he stated.
He assured that on the instructions of President López Obrador, work is being done so that the name of Mexico is reflected in the golden pages of world tourism history, since it is a destination that has everything to establish itself as what it is, a power of international tourism.
The foregoing is evident with actions such as the celebration of this tourist fair, which will break all the records of previous editions, in a joint effort with Mexico City, the City that has everything, headed by the head of Government Claudia Sheinbaum, whom he thanked for the great willingness to host this event.
He recalled that, despite having faced the worst global crisis in modern history derived from the pandemic, the actions implemented by the president allowed Mexico to remain in the ranking of countries with the most international tourist arrivals and the highest foreign exchange earnings.
"Sanitary protocols were established, the vaccine was acquired and applied, we did not get into debt, we innovated with 2 Digital Tianguis and we maintained contact with the tour operators of the neighboring countries to the north, the main issuers of tourist flows to Mexico," he said.
In addition to the above, the joint work between the public and private sectors allowed Mexico to close 2022 with the reception of 28 thousand 016 million dollars from international visitors, exceeding by 14% what was received in 2019. "It is so, friends , that all united, we achieved it ”, he stressed.
He emphasized that the tourist activity in this year 2023, and until September 30, 2024, when the present administration concludes, will gather new, varied and attractive products such as the Mayan Train and the Interoceanic Corridor of the Isthmus of Tehuantepec, among other attractions. that will be consolidated at the national level.
He added that these actions and the design of transversal public policies will allow the task entrusted by the President of the Republic to be fulfilled: "Make tourism a tool for social reconciliation."
Torruco Marqués highlighted that this edition of the Tianguis Turístico is an unbeatable showcase for Mexico to shine its splendor before the eyes of the whole world, with its cultural heritage, its gastronomy, its pre-Hispanic sites, its crafts, its 132 Magical Towns, its 32 Neighborhoods Magical, and, especially, its exceptional service providers, which have transformed the country into an emblematic destination with great value for its travelers.
"I am sure that we will continue to grow and strengthen tourism indicators, making tourism more and more an instrument of social welfare, so as not to leave anyone behind, not to leave anyone out," he said.
He affirmed that Mexico will remain among the preferred destinations for international tourists, because its 32 states have it all, and in this 2023 it will be reflected in the receipt of 31 thousand 169 million dollars, 26.8% more than in 2019.
On her occasion, the Head of Government of Mexico City, Claudia Sheinbaum Pardo, welcomed the entire tourist family to the 47th edition of the Tianguis Turístico.
He thanked the Secretary of Tourism Miguel Torruco for his support for the realization of this flea market, which is being held for the first time in Mexico City, as well as all the work done in favor of tourism.
Highlighting the innovations of this 47th edition, he stressed that, unlike other years, this time the Tianguis Turístico left the official premises and each of the country's entities can be seen on Avenida Paseo de la Reforma.
He emphasized the preponderant role of tourism as a factor of economic recovery after the pandemic, since the rates of 2019 have been exceeded, added to the fact that Mexico City can be proud of having 2 airports: Felipe Ángeles International Airport (AIFA ) and the Mexico City International Airport (AICM).
He highlighted the construction of the Mayan Train as one of the substantive elements that will be the present and future of tourism in Mexico, as well as the construction of airport infrastructure in the country.
On his occasion, the president of the Confederation of National Chambers of Commerce, Services and Tourism (Concanaco-Servytur), Héctor Tejada Shaar, emphasized that celebrating this street market without any restrictions means reflecting on those times that began on these dates, three years back, in which the survival of the tourism sector and commercial activities were discussed.
For this reason, he recognized and congratulated Miguel Torruco Marqués for the actions carried out so that the sector was affected as little as possible, and for continuing to promote tourism as a generator of jobs and wealth, in addition to continuing to improve events with the Tianguis Turístico.
“Tourism is one of the most inclusive activities for the economy of our country, then. Just as it benefits large companies and large hotel chains, it also benefits small hotels, restaurants, transporters, tour guides, convenience stores, in short, a large number of sectors that generate an important and immediate economy and a large number of jobs. ”, he added.
During the inauguration of the Tianguis Turístico, awards were given to distinguished members of the tourist family, for their trajectory and contributions in different areas of tourism.
It was attended by Salomón Jara Cruz, president of the National Conference of Governors (CONAGO) and governor of Oaxaca; Mauricio Vila Dosal, president of the CONAGO Tourism Commission and governor of Yucatán; María del Pilar Ávila Olmedo Governor of Baja California; Víctor Manuel Castro Cosío, Governor of Baja California Sur; Laida Elena Sansores, Governor of Campeche; Julio Ramón Menchaca Salazar, Governor of Hidalgo; Evelyn Cesia Salgado Pineda, Governor of Guerrero; Cuauhtémoc Blanco Bravo, Governor of Morelos; María Elena Hermelinda Lezama Espinoza, Governor of Quintana Roo; José Ricardo Gallardo Cardona, Governor of San Luis Potosí; Rubén Rocha Moya Governor of Sinaloa; Francisco Alfonso Durazo Montaño Governor of Sonora; Sergio Salomón Céspedes, Governor of Puebla.
Also in attendance were Humberto Hernández Haddad, Undersecretary of Tourism; Antonio García Conejo, president of the Tourism Commission of the Senate of the Republic; Yerico Abramo Masso, president of the Tourism Commission of the Chamber of Deputies; Juan Enrique Suárez Del Real Tostado, president of the Association of Secretaries of Tourism of Mexico (Asetur) and Secretary of Tourism of Nayarit; Nathalie Desplas Puel, Secretary of Tourism of Mexico City; Braulio Arsuaga Losada, president of the National Tourism Business Council (CNET); Francisco Cervantes Díaz, president of the Business Coordinating Council (CCE); José de Jesús Rodríguez Cárdenas, president of the Mexico City Chamber of Commerce (Canaco CDMX), among others.