MagiCuba, the first international festival of magic ever to take place on the largest of Caribbean island, will unfold from November 7 to 11 in the city of Havana, the event’s organizers informed Friday during a press conference.

Cobbled plazas, distressed walls and shaded courtyards are the stage for some of Cuba’s more curious dance performances.

Havana manages to be a bustling (yet entirely manageable) metropolis, as well as being wonderfully laid back. There’s so much to see and do, and you can have an exciting adventure by just taking a stroll.

The ceremony is indeed an incredible opportunity to travel back in time as it’s currently executed by young officers and soldiers dressed in uniforms from the times of the Spanish colonial rule.

El Callejón de Hamel (The Hamel’s Alley) is located in the bustling Havana neighborhood of Cayo Hueso, in the municipality of Centro Habana

One of the most striking things any visitor arriving in Cuba for the first time notices is the incredible amount of classic cars from the 1950s and 1940s.