Virtuoso Unveils Key Luxury Travel Trends for Fall and Festive Seasons

Caribbean News…
17 September 2024 9:19pm

Virtuoso, a global leader in luxury and experiential travel, has shared its latest insights on luxury travel trends for fall, the festive season, and beyond.

Drawing on $80 billion in transactions and ongoing surveys, Virtuoso highlights strong growth in travel despite global challenges. Year-to-date sales have increased by 14% over 2023, with a 211% rise compared to 2019. Looking ahead, 2025-2026 bookings are already up 38%.

Top fall destinations include Italy, France, Mexico, and Japan, with notable growth in Canada, Saint Barthelemy, and Japan. For the festive season, hotspots like Mexico, Hawaii, and Costa Rica lead bookings, with Maui seeing a 66% increase.

Virtuoso advisors report increased demand for exclusive-use experiences like private yachts and luxury accommodations. Trends also show a rising interest in "Coolcations" to northern Europe and Canada, along with a shift toward responsible travel to avoid overtourism. Sustainable travel continues to gain momentum, with Virtuoso’s sustainable partners recording $700 million in sales in 2023.

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