Southwest Airlines Unveils Daily Nonstop Service Linking Orlando and Nassau

Caribbean News…
13 May 2024 10:52pm
Southwest Airlines

Southwest Airlines has announced the launch of its latest route, connecting Orlando and Nassau with daily nonstop flights throughout the summer season. Commencing from June 4th to August 4th, travelers will enjoy convenient access between Central Florida's bustling metropolis and the vibrant capital of The Bahamas.

Honorable I. Chester Cooper, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Tourism, Investments, and Aviation for The Bahamas, lauds the introduction of Southwest Airlines' new service as a testament to the government's relentless efforts to bolster air connectivity and stimulate tourism growth across the archipelago.

The Bahamas has witnessed a surge in foreign air arrivals, with record-breaking numbers surpassing 1.7 million passengers in 2023 alone. With projections indicating a further uptick in visitor numbers, Southwest's expansion into the Orlando-Nassau market aligns seamlessly with The Bahamas' overarching strategy to cultivate strategic partnerships and attract airlift from key source markets.

Deputy Prime Minister Cooper underscores the significance of partnerships with industry stakeholders, emphasizing the targeted approach to tap into Southern, Central, and Northern Florida markets, including Orlando, West Palm Beach, and Tampa, to drive tourism expansion across the region.

Southwest Airlines' decision to initiate the Orlando-Nassau route coincides with the relocation of its operations from Fort Lauderdale to Orlando, solidifying its longstanding presence in Central Florida. As the largest carrier at Orlando International Airport, serving over 50 destinations across the United States and the Caribbean, Southwest remains committed to enhancing connectivity and accessibility for travelers.

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