Choose Chicago Picks VIP Public Relations as Rep in Mexico

Caribbean News…
20 July 2023 12:47am
Choose Chicago

Choose Chicago, the organization that promotes Chicago as a global destination for visitors and meetings, led by Lynn Osmond, has selected VIP Public Relations as its representative to the travel industry in Mexico. VIP Relaciones Públicas, Soluciones en Comunicación Estratégica is headed by Raphael Paredes and Elizabeth Vaca.

VIP Public Relations, which for six consecutive years has handled Public Relations with Media and Strategic Partners as well as Digital Marketing, now becomes the representative to the Travel Trade Industry, with the main objective of achieving a total synergy to support all those interested in traveling and selling Chicago as a great destination for their vacation, conventions and business trips.

According to Raphael Paredes President and CEO of VIP Public Relations, "with the representation of the Travel Trade Industry in Mexico for Choose Chicago we have the great opportunity to strengthen the destination as a great alternative for vacation and business travelers, presenting the features and attractions that this City offers, through a close approach with Tour Operators, Wholesalers, OTA's and Travel Agencies, to create tourism products that are attractive to their customers".

Thus, Choose Chicago's marketing strategy for the Travel Industry will be strengthened with close outreach, product creation and training to better understand Chicago.

About Choose Chicago

Choose Chicago is the official sales and marketing organization responsible for promoting Chicago as a global visitor and meeting destination, leveraging the city's unique assets to ensure the economic vitality of the city and its member business community.

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