CTO and the CHTA, representing the region's public and private sector tourism interest, recognize and respect the will of the majority of voters.
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The Family Travel Association (FTA) and the Caribbean Tourism Organization (CTO) have formally announced a partnership to promote a travel agent educational program for the Caribbean.
The Caribbean could be close to breaking a record. The Caribbean Tourism Organization is projecting that tourist arrivals to the region will exceed 30 million for the first time ever this year.

The Caribbean Tourism Organisation has appointed Dominican-native Amanda Charles as sustainable tourism specialist, effective immediately. Charles will coordinate and implement the organisation’s sustainable tourism program aimed at enhancing the development, growth, quality, competitiveness and sustainability of Caribbean tourism.

Four excellence awards were given in the Caribbean Tourism Organization’s Hospitality Assured Caribbean Awards Program.

The masterclass, which takes place on Friday 13 May from 8:30 A.M. to noon, will explore building loyalty by harnessing the power of your customers.