CTO Leadership Calls for Preparedness, Unity in the Face of Hurricane Season

Caribbean News…
04 July 2024 6:37pm

Kenneth Bryan, Chairman of the Caribbean Tourism Organization (CTO), has urged Caribbean residents to remain vigilant and prepared during this hurricane season. He emphasized the importance of readiness and swift recovery in the face of potential storms.

"While we protect life and property here in the western Caribbean, we stand in solidarity with the people of St. Vincent and the Grenadines, who have been severely impacted by Hurricane Beryl," said Bryan, who also serves as Minister of Tourism and Ports of the Cayman Islands. "Their pain is our pain, and their struggles are felt across our entire region. When one member of our Caribbean family is affected, we all feel the impact. We must unite and support each other through these challenging times."

The CTO is committed to collaborating with relief organizations to ensure a coordinated response to hurricane impacts. Bryan stressed the importance of preparedness, urging residents and businesses to secure their homes, stock up on essential supplies, and have clear emergency plans.

"As hurricanes become more frequent and intense due to climate change, we must take necessary precautions and be ready to support our neighbors. Climate change poses a significant threat to our region, and we must be proactive in our response," Bryan added. "This hurricane season, let us demonstrate the strength of our Caribbean spirit by preparing diligently and standing in solidarity. Our collective efforts will make a difference and ensure that we emerge stronger and more resilient."

Bryan also called on the international community to assist the region in rebuilding infrastructure, restoring essential services, and helping communities recover. "We contribute the least to and suffer the most from the changing climate, so we need the global community to provide resources for improved building standards, better communication systems, and more resilient infrastructure to mitigate future hurricane impacts."

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