New Travel Advisory: Digital Pass Required for Tourists in Paris During 2024 Olympics

Caribbean News…
22 July 2024 7:33pm

With the 2024 Olympic Games fast approaching, the UK Foreign Office has issued an updated travel advisory for those planning to visit Paris this summer

In response to the influx of visitors and heightened security measures, tourists will now require a digital pass to access certain areas of the city.

From July 18 to July 26, tourists must obtain a digital pass to navigate parts of Paris as preparations for the Olympic opening ceremony intensify. This requirement varies depending on the mode of transportation: whether on foot, by bicycle, or by vehicle. The advisory highlights the expected congestion on transportation routes in and around Paris, extending to airports and mainline train stations.

Local authorities will manage entry and exit routes for various venues, ensuring orderly movement and security. Travelers are encouraged to consult the French government website for the latest details on these travel restrictions, including application procedures for the digital pass and specific areas impacted.

To mitigate the anticipated travel challenges, the Foreign Office advises tourists to meticulously plan their journeys. Detailed, interactive maps are available online to help visitors navigate the restricted zones. Travelers should also allocate extra time to reach their destinations, considering potential delays.

Further information on travel logistics during the Olympics can be found on the Paris Tourist Board and Régie Autonome des Transports Parisiens (RATP) websites, offering resources in English to aid international visitors.

The 2024 Olympic Games are scheduled to occur from July 26 to August 11, followed by the Paralympic Games from August 28 to September 8. These events are expected to draw substantial crowds, significantly impacting travel and transportation within Paris and surrounding regions.

With the implementation of the digital pass and additional travel advisories, visitors are urged to stay informed and prepared for their trips to Paris during the 2024 Olympic Games. By adhering to the guidelines and planning ahead, tourists can navigate the bustling city more smoothly and enjoy their Olympic experience.

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