Costa Rica Gathers Global Tourism Leaders to Discuss Future Sustainability Strategies

Caribbean News…
09 September 2024 9:51pm
Costa Rica

The 19th Meeting of the Committee on Tourism and Sustainability (CTS) of UN Tourism commenced today in Costa Rica, drawing representatives from six member countries, international experts, and over 140 special guests. The two-day meeting, held in San José, focuses on key issues impacting the global tourism industry and aims to shape sustainable development policies for the future.

As a specialized technical body of UN Tourism, the CTS is tasked with exploring the impacts of tourism on sustainable development worldwide. This in-person session brings together researchers, leaders of non-governmental organizations, and international exhibitors to share their expertise and success stories in sustainable tourism. The insights and recommendations generated during the meeting will help member countries balance destination development with the responsible use of resources, protection of biodiversity, preservation of cultural heritage, and ensuring socioeconomic benefits to local communities.

Costa Rica's Commitment to Sustainable Tourism

Costa Rica's Minister of Tourism, William Rodríguez, emphasized the importance of the meeting, stating, "Costa Rica is honored to host representatives of the Committee on Tourism and Sustainability of UN Tourism. We take on the challenge of leading discussions on such important issues for the environmental, social, and economic future of member countries, always seeking to ensure that tourism responds to a sustainable, inclusive, and innovative management model such as the one promoted by the country."

Zoritsa Urosevic, Executive Director of UN Tourism, also highlighted the significance of this meeting for the global tourism agenda. "This meeting is of great significance for UN Tourism, as it is the first time that the Committee has met for two days to reflect and discuss in depth strategic issues for the global tourism agenda based on a scientific approach, its sustainability, and future resilience," she said.

Diverse Representation and Focused Discussions

The meeting includes representatives from Croatia, Fiji, Portugal, Uruguay, and Zimbabwe, who, along with UN Tourism's Executive Director Zoritsa Urosevic and Director of Sustainable Tourism and Resilience Dirk Glaesser, will lead discussions on pressing issues. The event's agenda is organized around five key themes: the future of tourism, redefining acceptable limits of change, positive nature tourism, climate action and circularity, and green claims and certifications in the sector. Each session features two to three experts moderated by CTS member countries, and discussions will conclude with dedicated sessions for conclusions and future guidelines.

Exploring Sustainable Tourism Practices

The thematic sessions will delve into the challenges and opportunities facing the tourism industry. Topics include managing tourism growth responsibly, reducing ecological footprints, promoting biodiversity, and mitigating the impacts of climate change. Key discussions will center on how countries can develop policies and strategies that allow tourism to thrive sustainably. The session on "Redefining the Limits of Acceptable Change," for example, will examine the political challenges of promoting sustainable tourism development, drawing from successful cases like Iceland.

Global Experts Contribute to the Dialogue

Daniel Schaffer, CEO of the Foundation for Environmental Education (FEE), expressed his organization's gratitude for participating in the event. “I hope that at this meeting we will explore the possibility of implementing new approaches to allow for more responsible practices that reduce the negative impact of the sector, environmentally and socially, while still allowing people to enjoy our wonderful world through leisure travel, while others can obtain resources that contribute to the health of communities and economies,” Schaffer noted.

Dennis Whitelaw, President of the Costa Rica Convention Bureau, echoed these sentiments, stating, “The Costa Rica Convention Bureau is proud that, in accordance with our planned strategy, the country continues to consolidate itself as a host of important events worldwide. We feel honored and deeply committed that, within the framework of this meeting in Costa Rica, key decisions are being made in favor of sustainable tourism.”

A Platform for Future Sustainability Initiatives

The event serves as an opportunity for Costa Rica to reaffirm its leadership in sustainable tourism and demonstrate its commitment to combating climate change. Adriana Acosta, director of the essential country brand Costa Rica, concluded, “Without a doubt, Costa Rica hosting a high-level event such as the meeting of the UN Committee on Tourism and Sustainability reaffirms our country's leadership in the matter. In addition, it is an opportunity to show the world our commitment to the fight against climate change, which we are addressing through the 2035 Strategy of the Country Brand.”

With Costa Rica at the helm, the 19th Meeting of the CTS aims to set the stage for future sustainability initiatives that will guide global tourism toward a more responsible and resilient path.

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